Fixing Incorrect Tracing Parent Spans with Futures and JoinSet in Rust

Estimated read time 11 min read

I recently had a client who experienced issues with their tracing events not being connected with the correct parent events. I immediately understood the problem on the call, but there were a few details that still confused me. So I thought it would be great to fully understand those details. And to share the knowledge gained with the wider Rust community.


This post assumes intermediate Rust knowledge, including familiarity with tracing, async programming, and tokio. It focuses on solving a specific issue with tracing spans in asynchronous contexts.

The following code snippet is a minimal example of the issue.

use std::future::Future;

use tokio::task::JoinSet;
use tracing::{info, instrument};
use tracing_subscriber::fmt;

async fn main() {
    // A custom tracing setup to aid in the explanations for this post

    info!("in main");


async fn work() {
    info!("starting work");

    // Using a [JoinSet] for a dynamic number of subtasks
    let mut set = JoinSet::new();


    // Wait for all the tasks to be done
    while let Some(_) = set.join_next().await {}

fn sub_task() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    info!("making sub task");

    async {
        info!("performing task");
2024-08-20T12:37:48.092480Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:37:48.092622Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:37:48.092641Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:37:48.092780Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(17)
    in sub_task

In main() we are logging "in main" which is correctly not associated with any tracing span. Then there is a "starting work" log which is also correctly associated with the work span.

But then the issues start. The next "making sub task" is not associated with the work -> sub_task span hierarchy. Nor is "performing task" associated with the work -> sub_task span hierarchy.

Understanding the Causes

So what is happening here? Well, let's first focus on the "making sub task" log.

#[instrument] issues

From the instrument documentation we see the macro also works with async functions which uses async-trait. The documentation for async-trait explains how it transforms async functions to return a pinned boxed future. But wait, our sub_task also returns a future. 🤔

By looking at the tracing::instrument code, I see it eventually calls this function to determine whether the macro annotated function implements a manual async or not. According to the function's documentation, it should only detect pin boxed futures. But it will also check if the last statement in the function is an async expression. So it seems the instrument macro is messing up the expanded block. Let's confirm this by changing the function to not have an async statement as the last item in the function.

fn sub_task() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    info!("making sub task");

    let fut = async {
        info!("performing task");

2024-08-20T12:39:12.663662Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:39:12.663753Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:39:12.663786Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in sub_task
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:39:12.663851Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(17)

Nice, the "making sub task" is now correctly in the work -> sub_task hierarchy. The "performing task" is also technically in the correct hierarchy of nothing. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

This is also not the fix for this problem. We just confirmed what the problem is.

The correct way to do this will be to create a manual span and enter it like so:

// The [instrument] macro is removed in favour of a manual span
fn sub_task() -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
    let _span = tracing::info_span!("sub_task").entered();

    info!("making sub task");

    async {
        info!("performing task");
2024-08-20T12:39:46.292346Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:39:46.292396Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:39:46.292409Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in sub_task
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:39:46.292460Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(17)

Why no parent span?

Now we can get to the issue I want to address in this article. The issue my client called me in to address. Why does "performing task" not have any parent spans while it is in the work -> sub_task hierarchy?

Well, that question makes an incorrect assumption. Since async functions & futures in Rust are not started immediately, only the creation of the "performing task" future is in the work -> sub_task hierarchy. For all we know that future can be awaited in the work() function. Or the work() function might return it to main() where it is awaited.

Let's await it in work to better show what I mean:

async fn work() {
    info!("starting work");

    // Remember `sub_task` is not marked as async
    // But it does return a future we can await
2024-08-20T12:40:16.513251Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:40:16.513299Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:40:16.513312Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in sub_task
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:40:16.513333Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

Great, the log is now correctly linked with the work parent where it "executed". So why did it not have the correct parent when a JoinSet was used?

Well, did you notice that the "performing task" log had a different thread id than the other logs this whole time? It is only with this last code change that it no longer does. Scroll up and check if you missed it.

Manual spawn

While I've never used JoinSets before, I knew from a recent YouTube video of Jon Gjengset decrusting the tokio crate that the JoinSet will start tokio spawns under the hood. So we can create the same effect by also starting our future on a spawn.

async fn work() {
    info!("starting work");

    let _result = tokio::spawn(sub_task()).await;
2024-08-20T12:40:55.952528Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:40:55.952591Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:40:55.952603Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in sub_task
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:40:55.952674Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(16)

Now it is "incorrect" again and has a different thread ID just like the JoinSet. This confirms starting a manual spawn does the same as a JoinSet.

If you think about it, then "performing task" not having a parent is actually correct. Since we spawned it on a new thread, that thread no longer has the work -> sub_task span hierarchy. In fact, the "performing task" future is at the root of that thread and therefore correctly does not have any span parents in the logs.

The span documentation already mentions the core of the issue when talking about an entered span being held across an .await point. The documentation explains that an issue might arise when another future is started / makes progress at an .await point. So it's clear that every future has its own "span context" - for lack of a better term. And when our future executes on a new thread, it simply does not have any "span context" for its parent.

The Solution

The core of the issue lies in how futures and spawned tasks handle tracing contexts. When a future is spawned on a new thread, it loses its original tracing context. To maintain the correct span hierarchy across thread boundaries, we need to explicitly instrument our futures.

The span documentation also states that an .instrument() is the way to fix this instead.

async fn work() {
    info!("starting work");

    let _result = tokio::spawn(
            sub_task().instrument(tracing::info_span!("spawned sub_task"))
2024-08-20T12:41:43.699116Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:41:43.699189Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:41:43.699201Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in sub_task
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:41:43.699251Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(17)
    in spawned sub_task
    in work

The work -> spawned sub_task span hierarchy might seem unexpected, but it's correct.

Here's why:

  1. We instrument the future with the "spawned sub_task" span, making it the direct parent of any logs within the future.
  2. This instrumentation happens before the future is spawned on a new thread, where it would have a new context, so it captures work as its parent "span context".
  3. When the future executes, it carries this constructed span information with it, maintaining the correct hierarchy even on a different thread.

This approach effectively bridges the span context across thread boundaries.

Just to more clearly show the spawned sub_task span is created on thread ID 1, the code can be refactored as follow:

async fn work() {
    info!("starting work");

    let future = sub_task().instrument(tracing::info_span!("spawned sub_task"));
    let _result = tokio::spawn(future).await;

The instrumented future is clearly created in the work context.

JoinSet again

If we now switch the code back to a JoinSet then everything is still fine.

async fn work() {
    info!("starting work");

    let mut set = JoinSet::new();

    let future = sub_task().instrument(tracing::info_span!("spawned sub_task"));

    while let Some(_) = set.join_next().await {}
2024-08-20T12:42:47.327459Z  INFO  in main
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)

  2024-08-20T12:42:47.327669Z  INFO  starting work
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:42:47.327713Z  INFO  making sub task
    at src/ on ThreadId(1)
    in sub_task
    in work

  2024-08-20T12:42:47.327852Z  INFO  performing task
    at src/ on ThreadId(17)
    in spawned sub_task
    in work


This article addressed a specific issue where tracing events were not correctly associated with their parent spans when using futures and JoinSet in Rust. We explored the root cause: the loss of tracing context when futures are executed on different threads.

The solution lies in using the .instrument() method to explicitly attach spans to futures before they're spawned. This ensures that the correct span hierarchy is maintained across thread boundaries, resulting in accurate and meaningful tracing logs.

When working with asynchronous code in Rust that uses spawn or JoinSet, remember to manually instrument your futures to maintain proper tracing context.

About the Author

Pieter Engelbrecht

Pieter Engelbrecht

Rust Consultant & Software Craftsman

A Rust Programming Language Consultant with over 3 years of exclusive Rust experience. I specialize in architecting Rust projects and helping teams adopt Rust effectively.

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